Thursday, November 27, 2008

Haha im so bad at this whole blogging thing :(

i just realized i pretty much wrote the same thing twice haha

sorry guys!
I'm back at the castle now!!!!

my time in Hungary was amazing and i came back to a winter wonderland. Everything was covered with pure white snow! Glorious :)

I had my birthday yesterday (first one without my family) and it was really good.
I felt super blessed and loved by God and all around me :)
Thank you to all for birthday wishes and gifts!!!!

Tonight we are having a thanksgiving party!
Aparently the theme is EXTRAVAGANT but im not to sure if i have anything like that in my cuboard :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


yay im back in herrnhut!

i had an amazing time in hungary and will write more later (i just got back from a 12 hour train ride)

but just wanted to let you all know that i had a great time and very safe! thanks for your prayers!

I feel like i am in a winter wonderland here!
every inch of anything outside is covered in pure white snow!
wow wow wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

So... I can't believe I am on the 6th week of my DTS already.

Man it's gone by fast.

It's like you hardly have time to process one thing and then you learn something new, or something comes up in your life you know you have to deal with but you hardly have time to deal with that before you find something else.

It's good tough.

I realize how much I love my family!

I was truly blessed with the family I have.

I know my parents are probably grinning reading this, because I'm sure they knew it was coming. (the realization of how cool they are lol)

Anyway just wanted to show a little sign of life.

I am going to Hungary next Saturday for a week.

Then on the 26th I have my first birthday without my family.
haha you can pray for me. :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008


So this week has been interesting :)

we found out where we were going for our mini outreach.

we found out our options for main outreach, which we then prayed about all week.

we found out a lot about ourselves by doing a lot of test (personality, giftings etc).

So it has been a good week, long, busy, full...but good.

Next week we have Lisa from the States. She's a good friend of Chrisianne Keller, my aunt. So that'll be really exciting!!!
I think she is talking along the lines of the fear of God...WOW!

We are hosting tonight the first DTS of YWAM Slovakia! So it's been a full house and a fun evening! We played lots of games and had lots of food.

Today I had kitchen duty and man did I get stretched :)
we didn't have anyone to tell us what to do and none of us knew what to do so I'll just say, "it was an interesting eperience!" :D

God is Good All the Time, All The Time God is Good!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So, just wanted to update you all (i guess cause that's what a blog is about lol)

I'm going to Hungary for my mini outreach. YAY!!!
We will be most of the time in Budapest and some of us will visit the Gypsies for a few days. I still have to pray if I am one of those. I would love to, but we'll see :)

And today we got told our main outreach possibilities, so I will be doing a lot of extra praying and hearing of God's voice and guidance for where he wants me to go. We've got till Friday. So if you guys pray for me and feel any words or anything at all, don't hesitate to let me know :)

I'm excited about where God will take me :)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

So...sorry i haven't been keeping this up lately.
Honestly I've tried and actually started a couple times but either I didn't feel like it because I was still just processing everything that I'm living, or I got caught up and had to do or go somewhere.

Yes, so it's been insanely busy and I'm heavily relying on God for good time management and he's coming through cuz it's been so busy but good.

Haha sorry I know this probably doesn't make any sence so maybe that's why I haven't written anything yet because I'm all over the place.

But I'm actually good. I'm learning a lot and experiencing God a lot too. :)

Today I went to Zitau a little town a lot bigger then Herrnhut that was really fun! I went with a couple girls and it was so fun to go somewhere bigger than Herrnhut, where I've been for the last 3 weeks.

I love Gremany though!!!! The country is so pretty and I LOVE fall with all the amazing colours and the crisp air. The villages are sooo pretty with all the amazing buildings and houses. I love them!
East Germany is a lot different to South West Germany and you can still see the impact comunism had on this side of the country.

The people have got a lot more reserve and it's hard to break through their walls. But God's love and truth can break through the toughest walls :)

On monday i will find out where I go on Mini outreach. It'll be a week long in middle november. I'm pretty excited!!!...and on tuesday we get told our options for our main outreach OH MY GOSH i'm pretty nervous about that too.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

so, i made it through a whole week of DTS.







yes, lets just say it has been a roller coaster ride so far :)

its been good though.

ive already learned a lot and experienced a lot

im soooo super excited for whats coming and cant wait to look back on everything and be like, "Aha!"

i do miss my family and friends, but im making friends and being welcomed (on my own) into the YWAM family.

continue praying, i still need it :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008


this is the water castle where i am living in :D

cool huh?

im having fun meeting 96 people and remembering names!
tomorrow we start lectures i think!
im excited to see how everything will work out.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


IM HERE!!!!!!

I finally made it!

I have been waiting for this for as long as I can remember.

I remember being a kid and thinking, as soon as I do a DTS Ill be in the loop.

Now Im here.

For a very different reason then just being in the loop...but Im here.

Ive got a room with 5 other girls on a floor with 30 some girls in a water castle somewhere to the East of Dresden somewhere in Germany.

Im excited...kinda nervous...still shy...happy...full of anticipation for this stage in my life!

Pray for me, Ill need it!

Monday, September 29, 2008


How quick time goes.
It seems like only yesterday i was on my way to Auckland to catch my plane.
Now I'm 5 days away from starting my DTS. WOW!!!

I'm so excited, nervous, anxious...I don't know too much about how everything's going to be once I start (how many people, what the bathrooms\bedrooms\toilets are going to be).

haha but I have complete trust that God will take care of me and the little things that may be important to me. He always does.

I've had a wonderfull time with my Grandma and family here (i leave on Friday).
It's been interesting being here for the first time without my family. But good.

Last week my Grandma and I were in a smallish car crash. A car hit the back of us and ruined the axle. But we are fine, Thank You Jesus!
It was still an interesting experience to be in a car crash. hmm...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


me driving my grandparents boat :D
me and grandpa before the wedding

me and Grandma before the wedding
hope u enjoy these few pictures of my time in the states!

Monday, September 22, 2008


My first weekend in Germany!

Friday i went to a youth small group-was great to see people i hadn't seen in 4 years.
After that i went with some cousins to a pop teens feast thing in Baden-Baden where i met more people that i had known =) funny to see what 4 years does to some. I'm sure i've changed a fair bit.

Saturday me and Mutter (my grandma) had a relaxing day.

Sunday went to church and once again met more people that I haven't seen for a while =) it's all fun! The youth of the church had a hang out time that evening, it was pretty cool...volleyball, food, movie, friends.

Aaanyway! that's just a little update on my life =)
hope i didn't bore you.

(what are you supposed to write on these things anywho???)

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I know it's been a little while...sorry guys.

I am now in Germany at the 'family' home.
It's so nice to be here. I love it so much!

I had an amazing week in America with my Grandparents.
They live on Camano Island in Washington state.
Was so pretty and such a fun time!!!

I just love spending time with family. I only get to see most of them bowt every three 
years, so I apreaciate every minute of my time with them.

I've had a cough for about 3 weeks now and I just can't shake it off. So tomorrow I will go to the doctor. We'll see what the diagnose is. Hopefully nothing :)

Anyway, thanks for the prayers. Travel went well, and I made it safe. 

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Last week

In exactly one week I'll be in Auckland getting ready to fly out.

I am excited, planes used to be the one place I'd feel at home. But only this time i won't be going on another adventure with my family following God's call.

I am following God, but I am stepping out by myself this time.

It is good though.

I feel so excited to see everything that God will do during these 6 months!

At the same time, it is hard leaving. I'll be leaving my parents "umbrella", my boyfriend, my friends, and my church.

I'll be back, but it's always hard saying goodbye.

Thank you God for being with me during this time! I can feel you watching over me, and going before me =)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Farmer girl for a day

Lewis, my boyfriend, had been working at a dairy farm for the past couple months. They just came out of their extremely busy season of calving. I have been to the farm a couple times, and I had tried milking as well once. But I thought it would be really neat if I could walk in Lewis' shoes for a day (just to see how it really is-and mind you I really love being outdoors and working with animals)

So I did.

I woke up at 3:30am, got to the farm at 4:00am to move cows for feeding. Milking was at 6:30am and we worked with the cows and feeding the calves till breakfast 10:30am-11:00am. After that we worked on the farm, you know just doing things that farmers do :), till lunch at about 1ish. That was a 45mins, then it was back to work and milking till 6:15pm. After dinner, Lewis had to move more cows, but honestly I couldn't muster up any more strength.

I had a new deep apreaciation for all farmers, and espeacially Lewis.

But even though I was wasted, I had a really good day and I would do it again.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First of many

Sooo, last night went well.

It was so amazing being up there and talking (it seemed like to myself) for 25 mins. =)
A very interesting experience, I must say.

As a youth group we are in a series called 'Jesus Christ', so I looked at an aspect of Jesus that we, as Christ followers should follow. That was Jesus' relationship with his Father. They were ONE. And Jesus wanted us to be ONE with him and the Father.
I shared a bit of my journey to being close and looking into God's heart.

Overall I think it went well. It was my first time speaking, so I can already think of heaps of things I can improve on, but I definetly felt God's presence (helping me if nothing else).

So yea, I had a few of the girls share with me about how they could totally relate and they were able to let go of some things, surrender, and get on that journey of discovering God's heart....WHICH is, by the way, so encouraging and the reason why I spoke and the reason why I am a youth leader.

Enuf said

Thanks for your prayers!


Monday, August 18, 2008


The nerves have started...the excitement is there...the message is coming together.

Yes, my first message ever :)
I knew the day would come when I would preach, but did I see it coming this fast?
Well, at the beginning of this year God placed a message on my heart for the youth of our
youth group. It's taken a few months, but I am now able to bring it forward to them.

So tomorrow night, I will be speaking to aprox 100 kids between the ages of 13-18.
Yikes! But I am very excited and hopefully prepared. ;)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I sometimes just really struggle understanding myself.

I am a planner. Like last night, I'll plan in my dreams and wake up exhausted.
But then other times I lack planning and double or even triple book myself into things.

lol What is up with that?
Can't i just decide I organized or unorganized?

Monday, August 11, 2008

First entry


First blog entry.

Funny that I am doing this even though I told mom I'd
never start anything like it :P

So here we go...keep updated with my life journey through this blog.

I'll try to keep it up to date :)